Gonna try to make this as short as possible. These past few days have been hell on earth. Two kids with PDD-NOS and a stomach virus is about as bad as it has ever been! Kids puking until they are left with no energy to even move and then begging for you to make them feel better while they have their heads bent over a trash can will make even the strongest person have tears in their eyes. My husband and I didn't puke, but we felt like we were gonna be sick. It was the weirdest virus we ever had. I am still not feeling the best. But today has been about nothing but cleaning...ok, and a quick blog. There is so much to do after a stomach virus. Toys to sanitize, bedding to clean, pillows to clean, surfaces to sanitize. I should by stock in Lysol. LOL.
I think the hardest part of this experience, other than seeing my kids sick and in pain, was realizing that they didn't understand why this was happening. My son was more understanding, but my daughter, she just didn't get that mommy and daddy couldn't make the sickness go away. We could just be there and talk her through it and love on her. She didn't understand that she couldn't chug juice or she would most certainly puke again. She wanted more and it was heart wrenching when she said please and started to cry, but we couldn't give it to her. Tugs on the heart string, that does.
Anyways, the dryer just went off. Got more laundry to fold.