Thursday, February 23, 2012

Still trying to keep the ship afloat.

So, we are still trying to get our daughter to sleep in her own bed. This is so difficult at this point. I did some short research on the net and found a couple of article that seemed to say the same thing: Don't talk to the child when they get out of their bed and promptly usher them back into their own bed. Well, this has led to much crying on our daughter's part, and little sleep on ours. Not to mention I am trying to hit the gym every day. It is difficult to stay active when you don't have much sleep. I am considering stock in 5 hour energy and red bull. I need sleep. :(

Oh, and anyone that has ideas for my birthday celebration of 31 random acts of kindness send them in! 

Oh, and I have a bone to pick: a friend of mine told me that her friend is receiving government assistance because she is pregnant and she lied on her application. She makes $50 an hour as a RN, drives a luxury car, and has a house that is worth approximately $250,000. She gets WIC, food stamps, and free health care. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a piece of white trash. I could throw all kinds of dirt out there about her, but I am going to be mature, lol, for once.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

what's wrong with society?!!!!!!!!

Ok, so this is obviously a rhetorical question, but I am so gonna dish on my feelings. So, everyone is up in a tizzy about the dad who shot his daughter's computer with a .45 caliber with hollow point rounds. Number one, all you gun haters, stick a sock in it. You are being unconstitutional! Number two: WE ARE NOT RAISING OUR CHILDREN RIGHT IN THIS COUNTRY! When a country tells its teachers that they can't kick a child out of a classroom or send him to the principal for misbehaving, we have a problem. When the government steps in and says we can't discipline our children and tell us how NOT to raise our kids, we have a problem. Let me tell you something. I would have been back handed by both of my parents if I would have said what that 15 year old said, much less put it on the internet or, in my case, it would have been the newspaper. Needless to say, I respected my parents more, was scared do death of ticking them off or WORSE disappointing them. I grew up with old fashioned Christian values and I must say, I think I turned out okay. My brother is raising his kids with old fashioned Christian values and DEMANDS respect, and he has two GREAT kids. I have two 4 year olds that already say "please", "Thank you", and "Excuse me". This country is going to hell in a hand basket because too many people aren't raising their kids right. We have teenage hoodlums that curse, get pregnant, and terrorize neighborhoods because parents don't care. If you aren't willing to put in the time and effort it takes to raise a child that will be an asset to society then practice birth control and don't contribute to the population. I am just saying. Condoms aren't that expensive and you can get free pills from the health department. Or better yet, keep your legs together or snake in your pants. Too many idiots are breeding. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My birthday plans: Yes I know my birthday is a couple months away!

This year, I have decided to do something new for my birthday. While this is not an original idea (I saw a blog about this woman who did this), it is a fabulous idea for any special occasion. In April I will turn 31. This is going to be year one of my new tradition. I am going to take my birthday and turn it into my random acts of kindness day. This year I will do 31 random acts of kindness. I would like to invite others to participate with me. I plan on taking my kids (God Help me please!) along for the ride. While others want cake and icecream and presents, I want to do something one of a kind and beneficial to the heart, soul, and someone else. So, on April 15th, please join me in my birthday celebration of 31 random acts of kindness. I will post pictures and/or descriptions of the experience. I will also be planning out the random acts of kindness ahead of time, so I am not floundering to find something else to do! Thanks for taking part if you choose to do so!!!!!

feeling good

I have gotten more accomplished this week than I have in a long time, and I have a cold. I have started a workout regiment that has given me more energy and is making me feel a lot better. I go to the gym about 5 times a week and do 45-50 min of elliptical. I do abdominal exercises 6 times a week using the lolo  easy abs app for iphone. It is wonderful! I also use the My Fitness Pal app and it helps keep track of how many calories I eat and burn. It is great. In fact, I have about 50% less back pain since I have been exercising and eating better. Sweet! 

My kids are doing ok. We can't seem to get our daughter to stay out of our bed. She wants to sleep with me and it doesn't matter how many times I put her back in her own bed, she still ends up in our bed. My husband ends up on the floor. *sigh* Any suggestions out there? My twitter Autism peeps: any ideas? Let me know. Oh, and if you want to follow me on twitter: @Tiger215 . But be warned, I have to approve my followers. 

My husband and I are going to a resort next week for our 7 year anniversary! Excited! To say the least! It will be our first trip without the kids in a very long time! 

Hmm, what else? Oh, I want to set up a little school area in our house for our kids. They don't go to school everyday, but I want to keep them on the school time schedule when they are at home. Any ideas? Should I get little desks? Or a single table for them? Should I get actual home schooling books? Or should I wing it? What does everyone else do for their ASD children who need the structure? It's time I jumped on the structure bandwagon!

Peace, love and God Bless to all!