It has been a long time since I posted! Wow, let's see...what is going on in my life...ok, so we have a move coming up here in June, but we still don't know 100% for certain where we are going to be. Our lives are always full of Drs appointments, medicines, school stuff, and not knowing where we are going can definitely cause some serious stress. That's what I'm dealing with now. Just waiting...and our landlord has put this house up for sell and thoroughly expects us to let people in whenever the realtor wants to show the house. Yeah, like a house full of boxes and misc. clutter is attractive. She's delusional.
It's been a rough road since we have been out in the army recruiting world, and I am so glad that is going to be over soon. This place has held little by way of joy. The town is depressed, the people are depressed, we've been through a home invasion here, and this is where our kids were diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. I can't wait to leave it behind. I am ready for a fresh start with new faces and new opportunities. I am ready for God to highlight my path on the road map of my life and show me where to go next.
So that said, let's have a little update on how the twins are doing. My son is doing great. He is like a little sponge, soaking up information and learning above and beyond his grade level. Socially he still has a ways to go, but he is doing wonderful. My daughter, smh, is still the little stinker she has always been, but she also is coming along in school quite well. She is definitely picking up on reading very quickly and has come A LONG WAYS by way of social skills, although she still has a ways to go. She lives in her little fairy tale world still, but has come out of it enough to learn in school. Both the kids are so loving and full of life. They have just come so far this year. Small victories in this war against their ASD. I have much more hope in my heart now that they will grow up to be a productive part of society! Most parents dream of their kids being Drs or something like that, I dream that my children will be able to have that opportunity. I now know the sky is the limit! They both have a huge learning potential and there seems to be no limit to what they can learn...except tying their shoes, day...