Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"My help comes from The Lord"

So, people always ask me "how do you do it?" And people mean a lot of things, like, "how do you take care of autistic children?" "how do you stand being an Army wife?" "How do you handle all the things that you do?" "oh my gosh! He's deployed again?" And up till now my answer has always been, "I just do. it's all I know." Okay everybody, so I guess I lied. I didn't mean to. I just never realized, until recently, that I have had somebody holding my hand the whole entire time. He has been such a great strength to me. He has picked me up when I've fallen, comforted me when I was sick or grieving, and helped me when my husband was deployed. My amazing, sovereign Lord. He really has been there this entire time. And it's amazing that when we search for God, sometimes all it takes to find him is to open our eyes. These past few weeks have been a little rough. But recently I started doing more Bible study, and have found a peace like no other. I started rearranging my life, and getting rid of things in my life that are not important. I also started to look deeper into the things of this world that are causing us all to have spiritual issues. I have my certain convictions about certain things, but I respect others in the fact that they might not have the same convictions. And that is fine! But I do like to educate. I like to give the second view to those who might be interested. This got me into trouble recently. In fact, I lost my best friend over it. And that is fine too. We exchanged some nasty words, and probably both said things that we wish we wouldn't have. But the end result was that she decided that I was to erase her from my life. Those were her words. That's fine. I'm not mad at her. I'm hurt, yes. But not mad. She's been my friend for about six years. And while I cannot erase her from my life and my memories, I will respect her wishes and stay afar. But I still love her, and I wish her and her family well. She just doesn't believe the same things that I do, and thinks that I am wrong. Which is her prerogative. I will say though since I have been having a life and soul garage sale of sorts, I have been happier than I have been in a long time. I just feel an overwhelming sense of peace. God has given me so much peace, and Grace, and strength, and has helped me with everything in my life that has been stressing me out. I started to surround myself with Christian friends. And I am doing everything that I can with the church, so that I might grow stronger in Christ and grow closer to him. I am searching. I am watching. I am waiting patiently. I am searching for something. I am searching for Jesus. not just searching.... seeking. And the more that I seek, the more that I find, the more I want. I know… It sounds corny. You should try it! Join a Bible study, and truly's study his word, and see if you're not left wanting more and more of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Knowing God is the most important thing in my life. For with God, we know all things are possible. And knowing God and seeking God will make everything else fall the place. Talk about an amazing idea!